Thursday, 11 December 2014

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Biography

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Leek and Potato Soup is such a classic dish that we all imagine it has always been there.  Whether as a velvety puree of potato, leek, onion and cream or as a broth with a medley of component veggies in it is firm favourite.  Where did it originate? It is claimed as a national dish by both Wales and Ireland and is recommended for consumption on their respective Saints’ days.  The Scottish have their own version titled Tattie-and-Leekie and then again there is the vichyssoise version that is linked with Vichy in France so are the Gaelic origins a myth?

The history of the soup is revealed in the history of the components.  Leeks are recorded as being in use in Ancient Egypt and later in Greece.  The Romans got to like them too (Nero thought they improved his singing voice) and they exported them across their empire and quite right too. Leeks are the original "superfood", high in not only fibre but also heart protecting substances such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which help to prevent our blood vessels from damage, and folate, a B vitamin that also supports our cardiovascular system.

So the Romans introduced them elsewhere with some ending upon in Britain. The high rainfall and deep rich soils in Wales make it an ideal vegetable to grow there. When the Saxons invaded they prepared to fight the Welsh army at the battle of Heathfield in 633 A.D.  An advisor to the Welsh king, Cadwalader, was a monk called David (later to be canonized as St David after he elevated the ground he stood on so an audience could see him!).  Anyway Monk David suggested the Welsh soldiers wear leeks in their helmets so they could distinguish friend from foe.  The victory that day was put down to the tactical advantage this gave them.

So it is clear why leeks are so closely associated with Wales.  As for Ireland Leeks were said to be one of the vegetables brought by the Normans and later the English when they came to Ireland in the 15th and 16th centuries.  Nevertheless the Irish love leeks and use it widely in many recipes. 
Furthermore there is an old Irish legend that says that St. Patrick was consoling a dying woman. She told him that in a vision she had seen an herb floating in the air, and that it had been revealed to her that unless she ate it she would die. The saint asked her what kind of herb it was. She told him that it looked like rushes. Thus St. Patrick transformed some rushes into leeks; she ate them and was cured. St. Patrick was born in Britain to wealthy parents near the end of the fourth century. He is believed to have died on March 17, around 460 A.D. So if there is any truth in the legend they have been in Ireland for at least as long as they have been in Wales!

There is more.  St Patrick was said to have liked Brotchán Roy (Kings’ Soup) a mix of Leeks and Oatmeal that is almost exclusively Irish in origin. Exactly how far back this soup dates is debatable, with some claiming it goes back to the days of the ancient Druids.  This is highly probable and there is a wealth of information online about these native ingredients and Druidism. Not Leek and Potato but maybe only a short step away. Certainly this ancient Irish Soup is much older than Cock-a-Leekie soup of Scotland that is first mentioned in print in 1598.  Almost certainly Tattie-and-Leekie was much later and so it is fair to put the Scots behind their Gaelic cousins in being first past the post in combing Leeks and Potatoes in a bowl.

Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

Recipe For Potato And Leek Soup Recipes for Potatoes Soup And Sausage and Ground Beef and Onions and Eggs and Bacon and Tomatoes with Cheese and Chicken Photos

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